

The Living of the Divine Self on Earth

Vasilis Polios – Greece

I just passed through “The living of the Divine Self on Earth” and I believe that till now, this is the most deep and profound sessions of the Merlin’s Ark. The informations are too many about the history and the truth of all things. From the moment I started to practice the exercise that the Merlins from the past proposed, my senses began to change. I believe that every human on earth should go through this material. With great respect and appreciation, a big thank you to Cristian and the Merlin’s from the past!

Vasilis 🙏🏼

Maria Peikou – Greece

This material was one of the greatest experiences i had ,so far. It contains important information, which in the end, left me with this deep feeling, this unmistakable feeling, that all this information was not new to me, but a reminder. It gave me answers to every personal question i had (old and new). Everything makes sense now. The combination of energies was powerful, but at the same time gentle, for me.They went to a deep level, they opened me up in a million pieces and now, little by little, they’re putting each piece back in a new way, the right way. Building me back together. I felt a tremendous amount of anger and a strange confusion come to the surface and when i set them free, i felt the “I AM Home” sense so clear, that every doubt i had (tiny or big), left for good.
I’m sure every person on the planet will be drawn to this material at some point, to lift the fog and let themselves free. A big thank you to Cristian and the Merlins from the past for this amazing experience.

Christos Child Awareness School

Hogstad Merlin Wenche-Mari – Norvegia

“Many years ago now, I had an experience that I have not really understood. I sat outside like I did a lot at the time. Whatever the weather, I sat outside and was only present in myself and in my breath. It was a need I had. I could not sit inside, but had to go out. One day I was sitting like this, I experienced something strange. It was completely windless and I was also sheltered from the wind. But suddenly there was a wind blowing around the corner that blew me right in the face, and suddenly I felt that I was that wind… that this was me. And it felt so real. And the next moment the wind was gone and it was completely windless again. I never really understood what I was really experiencing at the time, but after going through the first Merlin Life Series, Christos Child Awareness School, I finally understood how this could be me. And not only that experience, but also many other experiences I have. Thank you, thank you, thank you. This was so perfect for me right now.”

“Blessings dear Mari! So sacred, so deep, so yours…! This school go beyond the mind, and what is beyond the mind can not be named school! The Merlin’s from the past told this. It is an experience – some can called “school”, because they believe that they are good students. This is not to learn, it is just to be alive and to be You!” – Cristian

Cristian Albeanu You’re absolutely right. This is not a school. The energies go deep and it is difficult to find words. I feel like for me this is really, really life-changing. More than ever. And I know this is just the beginning”

Amalia Herner – Merlin Germania

A truly life changing experience! My dragon came in strog 2 days before the “school” and took out some nasty power games in my life. The night before i was taken from my bed & put in a dimension/ ocean full of colors…and then the “christic child experience”…it makes one realize what a grand being I am ( we are)! Words cannot express it all…. It takes courage… but it brings freedom! Whoever is ready, should’t hesitate one second & take this magnificent experience!

Maria Peikou – Greece

“Christos Child Awareness School” shouldn’t be called School.It is a unique , magical experience ,that i really can’t find the words to describe it. The energies… strong… powerful.. almost electric!! The human mind understood that this journey is beyond its power! Indeed the beginning of a new life!!! Thank you so much.. can’t wait to experience more of the Merlin Life Series! – Ia Kou

Aleksandra Kuzmina – Ukraine

In 2017, I had several meetings with my Volhva aspect in my life. At that time, he emphasised to my attention several times the need to revive the Mystery School. At that time, only remotely, I could imagine what it was about. At the end of 2021, I heard a call emanating from Christian’s energies. I allowed myself to follow my feeling and ended up on Merlin’s Ark. After the end of the human journey, Merlin’s Ark became a new passion of my soul – in the joy of remembering that I am Merlin. 

I sensed the potential for the revival of the School here, as the Magus had told me. And when Christian announced the creation of Christos Child Awareness School, my heart sang! I love myself for the clues that have always been in me and that I have carefully and lovingly left in my wake! Preparation for the School materials started well in advance, as soon as the joy of this School came. I suddenly had the desire to wear white clothes, to lighten my diet, to give up alcohol, to be in silence and contemplation. 

All this time, as there was a Facebook group “Merlin. Ukraine. Russia. Belarus.Bulgaria”, since 02.03.2022, I have been “boiling” in the Merlin’s energies, going through the materials, first alone and then translating or editing the translations into Russian, which were done by the translators of our group. So I went through all the materials twice.  I had just finished editing the translation of “The Return of Joan of Arc” and I was in an energy of balance and incredible tenderness to myself. And the whole space was showing me the beauty and grandeur of my whole being, the extraordinary tenderness and care of my inner man. I saw for the first time that masculine energy can also be beautiful and balanced. I saw myself opening up to my even greater openness, my trust in the world, my new, hitherto unknown feelings. And it is so beautiful, so gentle. The dance of energies within my being.

I had a similar feeling when I started forming the Ark group. As I opened up to the increasingly magical Merlin Universe, I became very sensitive, open like so many others who came during this period. At the same time, I was showing myself through others that opening up was dangerous, it was personal, it was intimate. And there came a moment when it was as if everything had collapsed.  And this time it was with even more openness and courage to allow myself to feel my energy expanding beyond me, and being me. I became very sensitive to animals, both my pets and all living things outside my home. And it wasn’t as “scary” as opening up to people. In the School material, just I came up with the answer as to why we put this inner ban on our openness, where this shame and guilt of being open, and the suffering that followed, came from. 

This material fundamentally changed my understanding of Original Sin, the Crystal Child, the Holy Grail. I would say I even experienced a shock, so different was my human understanding of it. The materials of the first day seemed to me very powerful and amazing. My mind took time to adapt to it. I realised how much, when caught in human form, we block the expansion of our own energy. I experienced a powerful shift from human to androgynous being.  It was a revelation to me how my energy manifests in life, how I can play with my own energy and express myself in material form.

The strongest sensations were in the body. I felt pregnant with all the processes that accompany pregnancy in the body and abdomen. It felt like I was preparing to give birth to a new self.  I am thrilled to see how the Ark group materials bring the energies of the School to life, each material is valuable, important and puts together puzzle after puzzle of Merlin’s Life. And in doing so, it’s important to keep your openness, expand and be bold!  In my inner knowledge, it was the Return of Joan of Arc materials that prepared me to embrace the energies of the School.

I look forward with trepidation to the next School materials and new materials from the Dragon Council. (Moments when I was the Mother of Dragons came to mind.) Every time I finish listening to the sessions, I burst out: “Oooh, Christian! Thank you…” And such a feeling of tenderness and gratitude for Christian and Daniela, the Merlins of the past, and of course myself, overwhelms my whole being.

Thank you-us here and beyond, in all incarnations… Thank you…

Tom le Mot – Germany

Hello dear Energies……Hello dear Merlins.

I Want to share with you now my experience with Christos Child Awareness School. First of All….what a beautiful experience. But I recommand it to Souled beings who are truly committed to this journey of Realization and Mastery. My energy set a perfect timing where I had 3 days off for myself, without any distraction and a lot of time in Nature with a lot of Breathing and sensing.

I experienced while opening to the school and days after it a new awareness of myself, my Light and my Energy.

I loved the session when we were invited to go back to Lemuria where first aspects of Guilt and Shame were born. With my openness I could really feel these aspects. I saw them within me what caused this illusion of Guilt and shame. I directly felt in my energy field if there is something to sense about it and I felt a resonance. A hugh moment for me was also the knowingness and deep integration of this christos child, my crystalline conscioussness within me. I could so clearly feel it. My perception switched into a sort of perceiving my energy as the Grail. Not in physiacal form but in the sense of…….hey human you can choose whatever you want, and I felt really that it is me.

It is absolutely necessary to take pauses between the sessions. The energys are really on a high level and I really have to say that Cristian does such a beautiful job in channeling these energies. Such an openeness and gentle way that I really appreciated. On my 3rd day I felt my Light so strong, I felt how each cell was somehow reminded of the crystalline Purity and was really flowing.

The day 4 for me was than a little crash, would the human say. All of a sudden I felt such a strong tension in my belly, which I absolutely could not avoid. I know that there is the Center of Emotions and the Place where the SES lives. So many dark aspects came through that I wasn´t aware of. Aspects of warrior….aspects of wounds….aspects of being betrayed…..aspects that where so fucked up with my soul. This really reminded me when I was doing Aspectology in the CC. You remember when Geoffrey was channeling the dark aspects. They where there. Fully present. 

But I am a master…..a master Creator. Feel in my Passion and you directly will feel my Passion of this “JourneY” ….the Passion of the Altlantian dream. And a few months ago I choosed so deeply from my awareness, that nothing can stop me now. We shine our Light in every dark corner there is.

6 days after it I created for myself a private session with a human living Master. My friend T.C.Aeelah. We went deep into these aspects and she reminded me how to handle with these. I am so grateful for her presence and Love . Now 4 days later, all of the tension was gone and I felt a peace and a Love I have never experienced before. Than came the Shoud on Saturday where Adamus went with us into our dark aspects. Whaaaat a timing, because now I can really go into it, with such Clarity , Peace and Light.

This school is really something special. The energies in it are so high, but there is a sparkling Love that is beyond. In all theses times I felt a lot of Masters where guiding and helping me. 

For all who think they are alone on this journey….No my friend you never are. You have such Love and guidance within you that is beyond !

It is a real new beginning for me. Merlin Life here I am. My senses opened up so much. I feel myself on so many Levels. Beauty opened up more and more. 

I really recommand this school……BUt like I said……Feel into yourself ….are you really that committed ?…….Remember when Adamus always warned us , before going in to the Crystall caves. Crystalline energies have such a high and clear Vibration, what it will face are definetly your aspects and your crap.  You willl feel for yourself ……and if it feels right…… take your time for yourself. It is a big shift into Conscioussness….. a big shift in your Sensuality.  And finally the deep deep acceptance of your crystalline self. I have such deep Gratitude towards all people who were involved and all Merlins that I felt so intense. 

Gift yourself with your Light my dears. And concerning your Realization…..remember Tobias words “Your darkness is your divinity”. And you know what also was one of the most beautifull experiences……… behind my Warrior-aspect…..that appeared so dark and strong……..was the Light…..was me……… so ALL is your energy don´t be afraid of anything….. breath in your worthyness and be open.

I hug all of you…….. but especially ME.

Melissa Lyne – Canada

I experienced the recordings only a few days ago and am glowing and flowing in the light of the crystalline… which has not left me since. It has changed my life, as well. 

Vasilis Polios – Greece

completed the Christos Child Awareness School, I have no words but,  I have an expand of feelings¡

Thank you.

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  1. CM

    Spectacular. Very useful. Full of wisdom, invisible great advices, just magical. Thank You.

  2. RH

    They are all so uplifting and validating and beautiful. Thank you forever🧙🏼

  3. JE

    Beloved Yeshua always giving us more and more, The mind is indeed a great temptation, with everyone trying to figure out what to do when so much is falling apart. So it is deeply consoling – help is on the way to strengthen our hearts for new beginnings, even while so many fall into the net of AI, which is very sad. But the way of the heart will be light and joyful. So we must let go the heavy weight and allow the heart to lead. We are amongst the early awakenings, but others will follow.

  4. CM

    This is brilliant! Thank you so much for this golden piece of energetic art! I love Jeshua!

  5. CM

    Exceptional work! Thank you so very much Cristian! This entire sacred work is priceless for our recovery, as Realm Workers. I am very grateful!