The Awakening of the New Merlins Series

The Awakening of the New Merlins Series

Greetings dear Friends and Merlins!

In these So Special Times after the Heavens Cross, “the Merlins out of time group” Choose to Open a New Series of Recordings with the title “The Awakening of the New Merlins series”. 

It is Addressed to those who Choose their Awakening Moment in their Lives After the Heavens Cross. It is a Free of Charge Series in Which you, the Mature Merlins of these New Times are also Invited to Participate with your Wisdom and Free Speeches.

We Recorded the First Session of this Series with the Title “Open the gate to the New Merlins” and Now it is in Front of You. 

It is the Openness of a Bridge Between us and the People who don’t have a Metaphysical Background, but they Started their Natural Awakening Process.


Best wishes and Hugs!