Greetings dear Friends and Masters!
On September 23,2024, at the celebration of 18 months from the Heavens Cross, at the special request of the Beloved Saint Germain we started to record THE RECOVERY PROGRAM FOR THE REALMS WORKERS.
About the Realms Workers it has been spoken for the first time in Crimson Circle by Adamus…and for me actually it was a really surprise the Beloved Saint Germain request…!
I asked him why he not deliver this program in Crimson Circle where Adamus spoke about these brave and wonderful beings…! His answer was that for the finesse and the details of this program is needed a channeler who was also a Realms Worker and for who the energy which will be delivered has significance and it is part from the personal experience.
According with the Beloved Saint Germain this program it was created like an answer at the questions and at the desire to have a life on Earth of at least the one million people from the planet who in the last 36 years brought their energetic continuous contribution at the Heavens Cross opening, like Realms Workers…!
From what has been said so far, it will be a one-year program with one session per month recorded with the Beloved Saint Germain. You will be able to find it at the “Beloved Saint Germain recordings” page, from our website.
THE RECOVERY PROGRAM FOR THE REALMS WORKERS it is considered a duty of honor, therefore it will be free of charge. It is the Beloved Saint Germain project and it was created in such a deep compassion and gratitude for those who were Realms Workers and are in a point to start a NEW life which from now on will belong only to them, after their grandiose service has come to an end.
Even you were not one of them I am sure that you will find here also a lot of clarity about what life became in these times of so many changes.
To share this program with all the Realms Workers that you ever meat it is a duty of honor as well. I wish you wonderful discoveries under these so sacred energies guidance.